I am so grateful for my trainer, Ashley Fillmore. She is the best at helping me balance good nutrition and good exercise with the rest of my busy life! Only someone with such a gentle spirit and sweet smile could withstand the expletives I hurl at her with some of the moves she makes me do. Plus, she is a never-ending font of knowledge and even figured out that a magnesium deficiency was behind my insomnia, muscle spasms, and other symptoms that I had dismissed as just stress, once I finally thought to mention the problem to her. Since starting the supplement she recommended, I am now sleeping “in” until 5 or 6 a.m., instead of 3 a.m.! Thank you, Ashley!!! You make life better!!!
Look at the amazing woman who trains me! What these pictures do not capture is her incredibly sweet smile, her wealth of nutritional and training knowledge, her sense of humor, her motivational skills, and her tenacity to never give up on me! What these pictures do capture is that she is a frickin’ beast! The sweetest beast ever. And I love her.