1) Avoid processed food
The first principle that I always give people is to eat natural foods and avoid processed food. This means that you would eat vegetables, meats, nuts, seeds, and a small amount of fruit. If you can’t hunt it or pick it you probably shouldn’t eat it. Just this rule alone can make a huge difference in the results that you get from your diet. By avoiding processed foods you will be cutting out many sources of sugars and toxins that our bodies are not made to handle
2) Avoid sugar
Sugar stimulates a strong insulin response. Insulin is the main hormone that we can manipulate through diet and it is a principle fat storage hormone. When insulin is elevated it is impossible to lose body fat. Elevated insulin levels lead to upper body obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, nerve problems, vision problems, acne, osteoporosis, poor sleep, and accelerated aging. Avoid all forms of sugar including fruit juices is important to achieving optimal health.
3) Eat your protein
You should eat a source of protein with every meal. If you can find grass-fed or free-range meats it is preferred. The best sources of protein include fish, beef, chicken, turkey, buffalo, eggs, and any other wild game. Protein helps to build muscle, enhance the metabolism, and enhance the immune system. Most people who come to us do not eat enough protein.
4) Eat your smart fats
Fat is an essential part of the diet. Extremely low-fat diets are detrimental to your health. Omega 3’s in the form of fish oil is a must because Omega 3 fats increase your insulin sensitivity. Having better insulin sensitivity will allow you to burn fat and build muscle at a faster rate. Other sources of smart fats would include nuts (not peanuts), seeds, avocados, olive oil, canola oil, and coconut oil. Be sure to include a form of smart fats at every meal.
5) Quality is more important than quantity
When you first start a nutrition program you should worry more about what you are eating than how much you are eating. If you eat the right foods then the appetite and metabolism tend to regulate themselves. When eating according to your plan the calories will generally fall within a healthy range. The calories do matter but the hormones matter more.