Do you know how much protein, carbohydrates, and fat you should eat per meal? It’s easy to under-eating or over-eating when you’re not sure how much you should be consuming throughout the day. When you don’t eat enough of each food group it can be just as bad as eating too much. Both situations can impact the rate you lose fat and how quickly you gain muscle mass. Most of the time, people over-eat carbs and fats and under-eat proteins, this is very common with women. This will be a great resource for you, so feel free to print it off and put it on your refrigerator!
- 3 whole eggs = 21 grams of protein per serving
- 6 egg whites = 30 grams of protein per serving
- 5 oz salmon = 26 grams of protein per serving
- 5 oz chicken or beef = 30 grams of protein per serving
- 1 cup Greek yogurt = 23 grams of protein per serving
- 1 cup cottage cheese= 24 grams of protein per serving
- 4 oz or 1/2 cup cooked brown rice= 26 grams of carbs per serving
- 1 cup frozen blueberries or fresh = 19 grams of carbs per serving
- 1 small banana= 22 grams of carbs per serving
- 1 small sweet potato= 25 grams of carbs per serving
- 4 oz or 1/2 cooked quinoa = 15 grams of carbs per serving
- 4 oz or 1/2 cup beans=22 grams carbs per serving
- 2 tbsp peanut butter/nut butter= 16 grams of fat
- 1/4 of an avocado= approximately 4.5 grams of fat per serving
- 1 tbsp coconut oil= 14 grams of fat
- 1 tbsp butter= 12 grams per serving
- 1 tbsp olive oil= 14 grams of fat per serving
- 1/4 cup/1 oz nuts= varies by nut, approximately 16-20 grams
- 1 slice, 1/4 cup. or 1 oz cheese = varies by cheese, approximately 8-10 grams per serving
These are general recommendations, most men will need to increase their serving of protein by 1-2 oz per meal. Everybody has their own specific protein, carb, and fat intake needs. These numbers are based on your age, height, weight, goal weight, exercise frequency, and body fat percentage. Use the information above as a guide when building a balanced meal.