Cravings or Hunger?

Ashley Nutrition & Health

Sometimes we eat when we’re not hungry and oftentimes we get hunger confused with thirst or cravings due to low energy, emotional state, etc. Here are five tips for re-learning how to only eat when …

6-Weeks Customized Program Design

Ashley exercise

Exercise, health, and wellness are personal. Everybody has different goals and aspirations with different paths to success. What works for someone else may not work for you, and following a …

Grocery Shopping List

Ashley nutrition, wellness

Weekly Staples Shopping List: 1. Protein Sources: chicken, eggs, organic lean beef, fish, nitrate-free deli meat: Boar’s Head preferably 2. Fresh fruits: berries, greener bananas(lower sugar content), apples, oranges 3. …

Habits of Good Nutrition

Ashley nutrition

1) Avoid processed food The first principle that I always give people is to eat natural foods and avoid processed food. This means that you would eat vegetables, meats, nuts, …